"Excellent Course and instructor. In the chaos and time constraints of PA school, they were able to simplify yet thoroughly address and explain the components of the course. The interactive lectures, supplemented with pictures, hands on scenarios, and text makes this course suitable for any learning style." Scott Arno Physician Assistant Student Clarkson University |
Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization (PEARS)
Often referred to as the "Jr. PALS" course, PEARS was designed to allow healthcare providers the opportunity to recognize, evaluate, and treat pediatric patients with both basic and advanced care in the first minutes of an emergency. PEARS was originally intended for EMT's, medical and surgical nurses, school nurses and other healthcare providers who see critically ill or injured children infrequently.
Course Length: 6-8 Hours Cost: $199.00/student (Includes course completion eCard) Included Topics: